What is a buyer's home inspection?
It is a visual inspection of the structure and components of a home to find items that are not performing correctly or items that are unsafe. If a problem or a symptom of a problem is found the home inspector will include a description of the problem in a written report and may recommend further evaluation.
Can a home fail inspection?
No. A professional home inspection is an examination of the current condition of your prospective home. It is not an appraisal, which determines market value, or a municipal inspection, which verifies local code compliance. A home inspector, therefore, will not pass or fail a house, but rather describe its physical condition and indicate what may need repair or replacement.
Why is a home inspection important?
Buying a home is more than likely the greatest investment you will ever make. A home inspection can help you identify those major defects which will end up costing you 10's of thousands of dollars in unexpected additional costs.
What if the report reveals problems?
If the inspector finds fault in a home it doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't buy it, only that you will know in advance what type of repairs to anticipate. A seller may be willing to renegotiate the purchase price because of significant problems discovered in an inspection. If your budget is very tight, or if you don't wish to become involved in future repair work, you may decide that this is not the house for you. The choice is yours. The goal of a home check is to make sure you are aware of all issues, big and small, before you sign on the dotted line.
Can I Inspect The Building Myself?
Even the most experienced home owner lacks the knowledge and expertise of a professional inspector who inspects homes on a daily basis. An inspector is equally familiar with the critical elements of construction and with the proper installation, maintenance and inter-relationships of these elements. Above all, most buyers find it difficult to remain completely objective and unemotional about the building they really want, and this may lead to a poor assessment.
Should I Attend The Inspection?
It is not necessary for you to be present for the inspection, but it is a good idea. By following the inspector through the inspection, observing and asking questions, you will learn about the new building and get some tips on general maintenance. Information that will be of great help to you after you have moved in.
It’s Brand New…What Could be Wrong?
It is not good business to pass on a home inspection on a newly constructed house, regardless of how conscientious and reputable your home builder.
No home, regardless of how well it is constructed, is totally free of defects. The construction of a house involves thousands of details, performed at the hands of scores of individuals. No general contractor can possibly oversee every one of these elements, and the very nature of human fallibility dictates that some mistakes and oversights will occur, even when the most talented and best-intentioned trades people are involved. It is also an unfortunate aspect of modern times that some builders/developers do not stand behind their workmanship or workers and may not return to fix or replace defective components installed after the sale is complete.
Can we ask you questions after the inspection?
Certainly. We would be glad to answer any questions you might have after the building inspection or even after you move in to your new home for as long as you own it.
How long will the inspection be?
An average inspection will take about 2 hours depending on the size and condition of the home.
Do you provide a written report?
Yes. Our report is ready for you within 24 hours upon completion of the home inspection. We can provide you with most information at the time however in order to to provide you with a clear and comprehensive report complete with digital photos we allow a 24 hr window to complete the report.
Is Radon a concern?
First, we test for Radon upon request as it takes several days to to get a accurate reading. Short-term tests remain in your home for two days to 90 days. Radon levels in a house can be reduced. This can be done by several methods, but one of the most widely used methods is the active sub-slab depressurization system. This technique will reroute the radon gas from the soil away from the house, by venting the soil gas from beneath the basement to a point above the roof. This technique is very effective and will typically cost between $1600 and $2500 to install.
What is a thermal Imaging ( INFRARED ) Camera - A thermal imaging camera is a reliable non contact instrument which is able to scan and visualize the temperature distribution of building surfaces quickly and accurately. Thermal imaging has contributed to substantial cost savings to homeowners around the world.
Why should I have my home scanned using an Infrared Camera - Infrared thermal imaging is the best method to detect energy waste, Insulation deficiencies, moisture and electrical issues in buildings. An infrared camera shows exactly where the problems are and helps focus the inspectors' attention allowing him or her to properly diagnose areas with energy loss or other possible issues.
Moisture Intrusion, Leaks, Condensation
Because of the thermal properties of water and the phenomenon of evaporation, active wet spots will generally show up as "cold" spots in an infrared picture. While there is other equipment that detects active moisture, it is spot specific. Meaning it works for a very small specific location. Infrared Thermal Imaging, with the proper equipment, allows the operator to quickly and efficiently scan larger areas for suspicious active moisture spots. When a suspicious area is found, the area can be checked with a moisture meter to confirm or deny the presence of active moisture. Often with our sensitive camera we can even determine where the moisture came from.
Electrical Problems
Hot spots are often found with electrical problems. Electrical outlets, switches, wires or circuit breakers that are malfunctioning, overloaded, or compromised in some manner. These are very dangerous as they can easily lead to a catastrophic fire. Our Infrared Thermal Imaging process allows us to easily and efficiently scan for these electrical hot spots which may not have been visible to the naked eye and would have escaped notice. If the scan gives indications of problems follow-up investigation is called for to verify the problem and resolve it.
Insulation Anomalies
Insulation anomalies are also alarmingly common in construction, both new and old, in our area. With energy costs soaring, these deficiencies can lead to huge energy costs. Again, our Infrared Thermal Imaging process allows us to efficiently scan the home and identify areas that are improperly or incompletely insulated. Because this scan is completed from inside, we can see areas that may otherwise be inaccessible and therefore not visible to traditional visual inspection procedure.
Improperly Connected HVAC Ductwork
If your HVAC flex duct has not been properly sealed you could have significant leakage at joints in the attic. Infrared Thermal Imaging can identify this problem, if the connection is visible. We have found both poor connections at plenums and registers in our infrared scans. These situations are simply costing the homeowners money and comfort. Left unfixed, with the right atmospheric conditions, these can even lead to moisture problems from condensation.
Why do you charge more for a thermal imaging Inspection?
The camera is used in all inspections to some point at no cost however if you require us to perform a complete thermal imaging scan of the entire home this adds extra time to the traditional home inspection and as a result may end up costing you more in the end.